Drinking water from copper bottles are good for your health : Here’s the reason
Copper is considered an essential mineral for the human body.
According to Ayurveda, water stored in a copper vessel has the ability to balance all the three doshas (vata, kapha and pitta).
According to health experts, it does so by positively charging the water. The water stored in a copper vessel is known as ‘Tamara Jal’ and is meant to be consumed only after at least eight hours.
Copper fights off free radicals that cause ageing. Packed with strong anti-oxidant and cell forming properties, copper helps avoid the formation of fine lines and leads to the production of new healthy skin cells. Also, it helps in eliminating extra body fat efficiently; fine-tunes the digestive system and thus helps in losing the extra kilos. Even in homeopathy, drinking water stored in a copper vessel has been highly recommended.
According to the American Cancer Society, copper has been found to help regulate blood pressure, heart rate and lowers one’s cholesterol and triglyceride levels. These are just a few benefits, read below to know what all copper can do to your body.
Listed below are the reasons that make it a healthy habit to be followed by people of all age groups:
1. Infection fighter
Copper is ‘Oligodynamic’ in nature (the sterilizing effect of metals on bacteria). It destroys all sorts of bacteria effectively and thus prevents common water-borne diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, and jaundice.
2.Better digestion
Copper helps in cleansing and detoxifying stomach. It also regulates the working of liver and kidneys. It increases the absorption of nutrients from food too.
3.Fights cancer and hypertension
According to the American Cancer Society, copper has been found to help regulate blood pressure, heart rate and lowers one’s cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
4. Controls ageing
Copper fights off free radicals that cause ageing. Packed with strong anti-oxidant and cell forming properties, copper helps avoid the formation of fine lines and causes the production of new healthy skin cells.
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