The world’s first human head transplant has been carried out on a corpse in China. The 18-hour operation which successfully connected the spine, nerves and blood vessels of two people.
Dr. Sergio Canavero, chief of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, said the operation was carried out by a team led by Dr. Xiaoping Ren. A full report of the Harbin Medical University team’s procedure and a timeframe for the live transplant are expected within the next few days. He said the test showed it was possible to reattach the spine, nerves, blood vessels, veins and skin from the head to the body. He claims eventually a successful head transplant will lead to “immortality” for those who can afford it.
Dr. Xiaoping Ren last year successfully grafted ahead onto the body of a monkey and has performed 1,000 head transplants on mice, yet more head-turning news. He said a live operation would take place in China because his efforts to get backing for the project were dismissed by the medical communities in the US and Europe.Canavero plans to sever the spinal chords of the donor and recipient with a diamond blade. To protect the recipient’s brain during the transfer, it will be cooled to a state of deep hypothermia, he said.
Most medical experts say the procedure is fraught with danger and profound biomedical ethical questions. Dr. James Giordano, a professor at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, told that not enough rigorous study has been conducted ahead of such a procedure. He said patients might be better served if Canavero focused his efforts.
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