An opinion poll survey held by ABP News- CSDS ahead of Gujarat assembly polls has predicted the equal share of votes for both Congress and BJP.
The latest opinion poll survey conducted by ABP News and CSDS ahead of Gujarat Assembly polls predicts the equal share of votes for both Congress and BJP.
However, the poll keeps the final vote share at 43 percent the advantage remains for the ruling party BJP which is estimated to gain 91-99 seats. The Congress too is expected to register a rise in its representation at the state assembly with 78-86 seats, leaving 3-7 seats for other candidates.
In previous Assembly election, the BJP had won 116 seats while Congress has managed to claim 60 to its tally. Gujarat assembly elections are scheduled for 9 to14 of this month.
The battle between the two national parties is vegetating in a sparkling manner. Its home state of PM Narendra Modi of BJP and Congress ‘next’ national president Rahul Gandhi has also been leading the election campaign for his party which has been out of power for 22 years.
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