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Now, grooms too can grab the attention on wedding day!

It is time to party and take out your fineries as wedding season is hitting town. And the spotlight is on the lovely couple. While the ladies have a gala time with bridal fashion, the grooms these days are not far behind. Traditional attires are pretty good, but the trend now should be of going for unconventional groom wear. Just read on and you will know how to match up with your lovely would-be better half.


The first thing that you have to do is to identify your skin type. Whether it is dry/normal/oily and choose a cleansing product in accordance with the same. It is always recommended that you visit a dermatologist or skin treatment specialist and get the skin check done.

scrubbing helps you get rid of the old dead cell. Applying a regular SPF cream while going out is a must.

Applying a face pack containing saffron, turmeric, sandal wood and rose extracts once a week would leave the skin with that necessary glow and texture. For acne prone skin, use an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, neem and aloe vera based face pack with clove oil extracts.

Hear about hair!

When your bride walks into the ceremony hall, what does she look at very first? It’s you, dear! And after your skin, if anything major has to be looked after is your hair. A healthy hair regime should start at least a month before. The groom should have his scalp analyzed professionally so anomalies like itchiness, dandruff, dryness and God forbid, pediculosis (lice) if any, are all taken care of well in advance! No one would want to be scratching their heads due to dryness under the heavy headgear most grooms wear or even having some dry dandruff flakes fall on their well-tailored suits on the wedding day. Additionally, dry matted hair which is unhealthy, may not cut ice in a day and age when the wedding look is all opulent or suave.  A weekly Hair spa and head massage are well recommended along with a final haircut five days before the wedding.  Plus get a sharper shave! A hot towel straight razor shave for a neat & natty appearance. Or use beard specific hair products to keep the beard looking neat. Eradicate the angry unibrow and ensure the rogue hair in nostrils and ears too are done away with. For a bouncy mane use a good hairspray or to slick it back, a wet look gel is still in vogue.

Diet to do the magic

Diet plays a very vital role in keeping the groom energetic, stress-free and have that fresh look. The diet the groom consumes will reflect on his face and body. The general propensity to have junk, ready to eat food should be completely avoided. Food that promotes healthy gut should be included in the diet. Include lean protein like fish and chicken and cottage cheese. Go less on carbohydrates (not more than 50gms per day). Include healthy dietary fibres both soluble and insoluble in oats, bran cereals, fruits, legumes, flaxseed, broccoli, apples, and sprouts. Also include some healthy fats in your diet which you will find plenty in omega 3, fish oil supplements, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) found in salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Include some nuts like almonds soaked overnight and walnut and raisins. A complete must is a minimum of 2.5 litres water daily.



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