What to do if the condom is stuck inside?, 7 things to keep in mind
Sex can go wrong; you can be in the middle of an uber-romantic date with the most perfect jazz playing and scented candles lit and still your vagina can fart , or worse, suck the condom in. If not all, most of us have been in this situation, having to bear with your lady queen’s bearings. So, here seven ways to handle a situation where the condom gets stuck in the vagina.
Don’t go all hysterical
First things first, don’t panic. The situation may seem sticky (sorry, bad pun) and you may get all hysterical but you sure will come out of it and so will the condom of your vagina. It will never get lost in there.
Remember, you have fingers
Make sure your hands are clean and nails trimmed. All you have to do is push your fingers in. You could be feeling the condom inside you, just try to move your fingers there and get a hold.
Take the 50 squats challenge
Kidding, do 5. Squats can help a great deal in pushing the stuck condom (or even a menstrual cup if it ever comes to that) out.
Do this with a chair
Place either of your feet on a chair and bear down. This works just like squats do. It will help in pushing down the condom.
Get help from your partner-in-action
If he is someone you don’t know since long, it can be embarrassing, but shouldn’t be. Condom shoving up the vagina is as normal as sex or a tree. Don’t hesitate. A bonus tip: If he is already on it, marry him.
Visit a gynaecologist
If none of the above methods works, rush to an expert. Again, don’t be hesitant. They come across Cs-stuck-in-Vs every now and then. Also, because the condom was rendered useless, you may also be at the risk of an STD. It is best to see an expert if such a thing occurs
Pop a pill
That is, if you do mind a pregnancy. You must know that even if your partner did not ejaculate in you, pre-ejaculate can get you pregnant.
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