The 18-year-old Saffron is in fact, the daughter of two millionaires, Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow, who became the first gay men in the UK to father children through surrogacy. Saffron’s lifestyle and images are now being discussed in social media.
The homosexual Barrie and Tony had long wanted to have their own baby. Saffron and her twin brother Aspen were conceived using the donor eggs of one woman, Tracie McCune, and were then carried in the womb of another woman, Rosalind Bellany. Barrie is the father of one child and Tony the father of the other. But both of them do not know who is the real father of Saffron and Aspen in Barry and Tony.
Eighteen-year-old Saffron’s lifestyle will prevail over any Hollywood actors. There is nothing unbranded in her wardrobe. Brands like Prada, Barberi, Gochi and Jimmy Puree. Thousands of clothes, shoes, bags and a car that fit all of them!
“Daddy” and “Dad” gift them two Range Rovers of white and black on the 18th birthday of Sarfran and Aspen.
Rs 5 lakhs are being paid to his children as the pocket money every month. Saffron owns a wardrobe worth up to eight cores. Saffron is now the owner of Cosmetics brand, known as Barking Mad. Each month, Saffron spend Rs. 12 lakh to buy aesthetic products for his own needs.
The family lives in a house of 42 crores. There are 10 bedrooms at home. Saffron has his own makeup suit, called Glamorous Room. Their home is next to the apartment of pop star Rihanna.

Apart from Saffron and Aspen, the Barry-Tony couples have a son named Orlando and twins children named Jasper and Dallas.
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