There are lots of products on the market for erasing the pimple marks, but the preferred method should be to use home remedies because they come without any side effects and are extremely pocket-friendly.
Lemon and cinnamon pack
This effective and heavenly face pack is not only amazing to remove pimples and acne from your skin, especially sensitive skin but also helps in bringing the natural glow and exude radiance. So, dive into the summer glow with zero problems of pimples and breakouts using this gorgeous natural remedy. Take equal parts of lemon juice and cinnamon powder in a bowl and dip cotton balls in the mixture to apply evenly to your skin. Wash off your face with lukewarm water and repeat this twice a week for effective results, use this later at night. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and help to feed the essential goodness of antioxidant and antiseptic properties of your skin.
Toothpaste to get rid of pimples
Oh yes, this amazing natural remedy isn’t a myth but a fact and you must try it in case your pimple is not going away. The cooling base agent will help minimize the ugly appearance of your huge pimple and conceal them with its active ingredients. Take a small dime sized amount of toothpaste and apply it directly on the pimple, let it sit and dry for some time, wash it off with cool water. Repeat this for 2-3 times a week to see effective results.
Steam for pimple-free skin
Just when you though steam is only done during cold and cough or lavish spa treatments, think again! Treat your pimples naturally at home by indulging in a steam using essential oils like lavender or tea tree oil to effectively disappear your pimples. Steam clogs your pores open and lets your pimple break-free from the oily surface. Post your steam, you can use sharp and pointed pimple tweezers extraction removers to pluck the pores. This will help you flaunt flawless skin instantly.
This yummy aromatic quintessential kitchen staple keeps your food flavored and your skin pimple-free. Just cut the garlic into several cloves and rub a piece on your skin to remove a pimple from the roots. It has antifungal, antiviral and antioxidant properties that help in effectively removing the pimples easier and faster. You can also eat a garlic a day to help purify your blood. This will also promote healthy naturally shiny skin.
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