A comprehensive list of stylish fashion tips and tricks that every girl should know. These hacks can easily save your favorite outfits from total ruin.
Use white wine to remove red wine stains.
- Wash new jeans twice before taking them to the tailor. Why? Because jeans will always shrink in length when washed.
To stop angora or mohair from shedding, fold the garment and place it into a zip-top bag and freeze it for at least three hours.
Remove odors from vintage or thrift clothing by spritzing them with a mixture of one part vodka, two parts water.
- “Remove white deodorant marks from a garment by gently rubbing the protective foam used on hangers against the fabric.” — Jonathan Simkhai, designer
- If you get an oil stain on your favorite handbag, coat the mark with baby powder and let it stand overnight. By morning, the stain should be gone. If a bit still remains, repeat the process until the stain is completely gone.
- “If you don’t have time to try on jeans in the store, try the Neck Method: You can determine your size by placing the waistline of the jeans around the diameter of your neck. If the waistline of the pant comfortably meets at back of your neck, then the jeans will fit.”— Sarah Ahmed, Creative Director, DL1961 Premium Denim
“Never put your swimwear in the washing machine, and always hand dry. The machine will damage the suit and it will lose its elasticity. The only exception: At the end of the summer or vacation, wash your swimwear in lingerie washing bags on the gentle cycle with a bit if Drift or Woolite. But only after many wears.” —Shoshanna Gruss, Designer
To drop bloat five days before a big event, stay away from dairy and whole grains, which can do a number on the digestive system.
“Never put a garment on immediately after ironing, as this can actually cause new wrinkles to form. Instead, let it sit for five minutes to set the press.” — Althea Harper, Designer and Rowenta Brand Ambassador
The best way to de-fuzz a sweater: use a pumice stone.
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