More than 1,800 Pakistani Muslim clerics have issued an Islamic directive, or fatwa, sinister suicide bombings.
The attacks are fated as fanatical and morally wrong, especially when civilians are killed, but insurgents view the tactic as their most effectual weapon. Seeking to curb “terrorism” that has resulted in tens of thousands of casualties since the early 2000s, the clerics declared suicide bombings to be forbidden.
“This Fatwa provides a strong base for the stability of a moderate Islamic society,” Pakistan President Mammon Husain wrote in the book. “We can seek guidance from this Fatwa for building a national narrative in order to curb extremism in keeping with the golden principles of Islam.”
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Pakistan’s government are accused of surrendering to radical groups for political and military purposes and say the state has for too long turned a blind eye to hate preachers in mosques.
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The Pakistani scholars, who declared that “no individual or group has the authority to declare and wage jihad (holy war)”, said suicide bombings violate key Islamic teachings and were as such forbidden.
on Tuesday.
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