Face care through water: Water is one of the essential components for facial cleansing. Once a journalist asked Aamir Khan, the Bollywood superstar regarding his glowing and sparkling face. He told the reporters that he used to take more and more quantity of water. It keeps him hydrate and free of toxins. It’s the simple secrete of my skin glowing, said the superstar.
Tomato for skin fairness: The skin care problems can be minimized by using the juice of tomato. Apply the juice of red tomatoes on the face. One can also slice a red tomato and rub the same on the face. After it dries up, wash the face. The regular use of the same helps to remove the wrinkles of the face and the skin starts glowing.
Potato for facial beauty: If you are searching for effective beauty tips for face and fairness of your skin, using of potato is one of the homemade cleansing methods. Apply the juice of raw potatoes on the black rings under the eyes or slice a raw potato and rub it on the face, especially the black circles. It removes darkness from under the eyes. Thus potato improves the beauty of your eyes as well as the face.
Glowing skin by orange: If you want to get rid of the oily, dry and sticky skin, you should use orange juice on your face. Apply the orange juice on the face. Keep it for some time followed by wash the same with fresh water. It will enhance the beauty of your face.
Cucumber for face, acne, and eyes: Cucumber is quite useful in removing of acne, pimples, wrinkles, blemishes and also beneficial for skin whitening. Apply the juice of cucumber on your face and wash the same after 20 minutes. It helps to beautify your skin, eyes and removing of spots on your face.
Gram flour for skin whitening: Gram flour is used as homemade facial cleansing tips for skin glowing, skin whitening, removing of acne and also good in the removal of hair from the face. Mix a little salt in gram flour, knead it and rub the face with it. It will make the face beautiful and vibrant.
Lemon uses for face beauty: After squeezing a lemon, use the rind to rub the darkish parts of the elbows. It removes blackishness and you will feel positive changes in your face.
Steaming for facial beauty: Moderate steaming is quite effective to make your face glow and radiance. While water or milk is boiling do not miss the opportunity to steam the face. It cleanses the face and removes the dirt and other harmful fine particles from your face thus make your facial skin lightening.
Almonds for beautiful lips: If a blackish layer has appeared on the lips, take almonds. Grind it in a little water. While grinding it, mix with a saffron leaf. Apply this to your lips. After ten minutes rub it off with the help of a finger. A few day’s treatment will make lips rosy.
Milk for skin beauty: Milk is the lone food, which is considered as a complete diet because of the presence of abundant nutrients. Milk is also quite useful for glowing face and beauty. Rub cream or milk on the dark parts of the face, leave it for few minutes and wash the same with fresh water. It will be helpful in enhancing your beauty.
Also Read: Beauty Hacks: Here is how you can use Lemon Juice Face Mask
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