These are the Surprising things that happen when you have sex for the first time
The apprehensions
There are too many apprehensions going on in our mind and they get answered only when we are done with the deed. Will it hurt? What about the big O? Will I be able to orgasm? But wait…how to exactly put on a condom? What if the entire experience turns out to be a bummer? And the list is endless!
Who should do what? How to proceed?
Once things are initiated, we all think about what should be done next. Some of us even make a mental check list of all the things that needs to be done and keep ticking them off while having sex.
The embarrassing mistakes
We all make mistakes during sex and sometimes, they could be painful. A little extra pressure, a wrong movement, or becoming over excited while pleasuring him/her down there, and you might be in a spot. But they say it right—one learns from his/her mistakes. So just learn from your lesson and move on, as simple as that!
Trying to talk dirty
Many of us them blank right before having sex, and it becomes a task to utter even a few words.
That feeling!
It is difficult to put into words the myriad of feelings one goes through before and after having sex for the first time. The excitement knows no bounds, there are probably a million butterflies in your stomach but there might be an equal amount of apprehensions and dilemma as well.
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