Groom yourself — but in the way that’s comfortable for you
Not everyone shaves everything and that’s okay. While many women (and men) shave or wax lots of parts of their body, it’s by no means a requirement. You want to feel completely sexy and completely you when you get intimate with a new person. If you’re not someone who regularly waxes or shaves, it’s probably not best to start experimenting with that just before you have sex with someone new.
In order to have the best sexual experience, you want to feel the most comfortable in your body. For some people, that means pluck an eyebrow and call it a day. For others, that means becoming as smooth as a baby’s bottom all over. The most important part of your grooming ritual isn’t the details themselves. It’s simply that you’re taking the time to honour your body by making it feel healthy and beautiful.
Do whatever makes you feel beautiful
Maybe putting on a perfect face of makeup makes you feel like hot stuff. Or maybe there’s this one shirt you always get a million compliments in. Or maybe taking the time to blow dry your hair perfectly makes you feel like you just stepped off the runway. Whatever your personal beauty regimen includes, make sure you do what you need to do to feel the most you possible.
Be prepared
If you’re engaging in sex with a new partner, you need to be an adult about it. And adults come prepared. That means having a conversation about birth control with your partner. It doesn’t have to be prolonged or dramatic, nor will it “ruin the mood.”
The reality of the situation is that having sex can result in some things you don’t want (like STDs or an unwanted pregnancy). So you need to be prepared to do whatever you need to do for sex to have the outcome you want. There are plenty of ways to practice healthy, safe sex. Never assume your partner will take care of it. It’s your body. You’re in charge of taking care of it, so make sure you do.
And, just for the record, never let anyone make you feel bad about having this conversation. If they belittle, condescend, or overlook your needs in any way, they’re not a person you want to be having sex in the first place.
Get in the mood.
Start thinking sexy thoughts and think about what’s going to turn you on. Rather than focusing totally on what you’re going to do to your partner, start thinking about what is erotic to you.
Start Sexting
Don’t forget to clue your partner into your pre-romp excitement. Check out a sexual position or activity that you have not tried yet and download a picture or save the link and send it to your partner. That will definitely have him or her counting down the minutes.
Eat Frisky Friendly Food
In addition to noshing on aphrodisiacs, you may also want to stay away from foods that cause bloating or bad breath. If that big lentil and bean salad are going to be on your mind (and causing gas in your intestines) later that evening, skip it at lunch. You also might want to pack a toothbrush or mouthwash if you’re heading straight from the boardroom to the bedroom.
What should you wear? Reach for an outfit that will make you feel sexy.
Also Read: Women don’t like to use condom during sexual relationship : Here’s the reason
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