If you’ve ever wondered about the best music to play during sex. According to new research, any song from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack provides the best music for love-making, followed by Marvin Gaye’s “Sexual Healing,” Maurice Ravel’s “Bolero,” and Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away.” Aside from the list of top songs, however, perhaps the most interesting conclusion from the study was the fact that a number of participants prioritized a seduction playlist over their partner. In fact, 40 percent of the participants said that listening to music was more arousing than actual touching in the bedroom.
Here are some good songs to listen to during sex
Lets Get it On Marvin GayeHe probably broke baby-making records everywhere the day as this hit single was released. Packed with sexy lyrics, the funky tune will make you want to spend the whole day in bed with the track on repeat, and were willing to bet she wont complain either.Sexiest Lyrics- \”Don\’t you know how sweet and wonderful life can be?/ I\’m asking you, baby, to get it on with me\”
Candy Shop 50 CentThis blatantly perverted track is more in keeping with the times for a good time between the sheets. The sweet, gentle melody and the hip-hop beats complement the x-rated content perfectly and will allow you get it on in style.Sexiest Lyrics: \”I\’ll take you to the candy shop, I\’ll let you lick the lollipop.\”
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Physical Olivia Newton JohnThis 1981 retro classic may have been a little too raunchy for its own time (most radios banned it due to its explicit language) but its just right for the bedroom workout youre in for.Sexiest Lyrics: \”I took you to an intimate restaurant, then to a suggestive movie/There\’s nothing left to talk about unless it\’s horizontally\”
Are You Gonna Be My Girl JetIts all about having fun and getting excited with this one. Perfect for trying something new or when youre with someone for the first time and dont need things to get too intense just yet. Its packed with quick rhythm and lyrics that will make any woman melt.Sexiest Lyrics: say you look so fine, that I really wanna make you mine/Oh, 4,5,6 c\’mon and get your kicks, now you dont need money when you look like that, do ya honey.
Birthday Sex JeremiahAs if the name isnt enough, this platinum-certified single has definitely steamed up more than a few bedrooms. Ideal for your lovers birthday, just put the record on and let the music do the talking for you. She wont be disappointed.Sexiest Lyrics: You say you want passion, I think you found it/Get ready for action, Dont be astounded/We switchin positions, you feel surrounded/Just tell me where you want your gift, girl.
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