Google launches ‘Chrome 66’ with exciting features
Google has released Chrome 66, introducing 62 security fixes, and feature improvements.While Chrome had a feature that lets you mute audio on a site-by-site basis, version 66 expands on this by allowing you to customise when media may autoplay, based on:Content is muted or does not feature audio.
You have previously tapped or clicked on the site during the browsing session.
On mobile – whether you have has added the site to a home screen.
On desktop – if you have frequently played media on the site.
The latest version of Chrome also adds the ability to export passwords in plain text to a CSV file.
Also Read : Google launches ‘Google Home’ in India
Google announced it will conduct a “small percentage trial” with Chrome 66 for a feature called Site Isolation.
“Site Isolation improves Chrome’s security and helps mitigate the risks posed by Spectre,” said Google.
To diagnose whether an issue is caused by Site Isolation, use chrome://flags#site-isolation-trial-opt-out.
The company has requested users to report any issues specific to the Site Isolation trial to help fix it before the feature is launched broadly.
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