Getting into a new relationship with a new guy is full of uncertainty – especially if he is still in love with his ex. However, this situation can happen to anyone, in any type of relationship, no matter how many anniversaries celebrated.
It can be hard for a person to heal from a past love that had such a profound impact on their life and heart. But there are some situations when suspicion progresses to a justified fear (she is texting him at 1:00 a.m. and he is hiding the messages from you), that may cause you to go over the dreaded question in your mind – “Does he still miss her?” or “Is he still in love with her?”
If you’re going through a similar situation and there’s a red-flag alert in your mind, here are some simple ways to give you some clarity on whether or not you need to be concerned…
He doesn’t want anyone else dating her
Maybe his ex-has recently started dating someone new and he has been in the most horrible mood since then. He is without a doubt jealous, and jealousy is the number one sign of having feelings.
He stalks her on social media
You occasionally creep through his social media accounts to see who he has been stalking and the first name that comes up is hers.
He’s all about her
Does he steal special moments by talking about her and the past? If he sabotages good times by piping up with a story about having exactly the same, or similar experience with his ex, he’s clearly not over it. Especially if you notice the ongoing story becomes a memoir that he cannot stop himself from telling, and at the end of the saga, he releases a wistful sigh.
Does he compare you to her way too often? When he does, do you feel as if the ex is his ideal, and he secretly worships her, and nothing you do can live up to her? These kind of comparisons are insensitive and demonstrate his inability to move forward with a new partner.
She’s the first to know
If your boyfriend still confides in his ex and she knows every major event in his life before you…ah..you’ve got your answer!
Relationship status
If he’s still not acknowledging your relationship publicly and says it’s because he doesn’t want to hurt his ex’s feelings, it’s a major sign.
He looks flustered when he bumps into her
The next time you walk hand in hand with your boyfriend and bump into his ex, watch how he behaves. Does he let go of your hand immediately, or does he get flustered or mumble like an awkward prepubescent child? If his heart races or he starts sweating around his ex, she’s definitely been running marathons in his mind behind your back.
He enjoys getting teased with his ex
Does your boyfriend stiffen a giggle when you pull his leg with his ex? Well, men don’t usually get shy. Instead, they get mad when they’re being teased about a bad incident with an ex. Only if he’s still somewhat into it, will he appear to have a glazed look of happiness on his face when you do that?
He hasn’t deleted her old texts
Does your new boyfriend have loads of his ex’s lovey-dovey messages? If yes, it’s time to wake up and smell the roses! Seriously, which guy in his right mind keeps his ex’s old texts stored on his phone? There may be a huge list of texts, but deleting it is the right thing and only thing to do if he’s actually over her.
He gets offended if you talk about her
As his current girl, there may be times you get miffed and pass a remark about his ex. If that sends him into a rage, it’s not rocket science to figure that there’s definitely a problem!
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