Jokes are often made about how hard it can be to understand women, but have you ever thought about understanding men ? Do they lack the ‘mystery’ factor? Well for all girls out there, here are four things your guy doesn’t like you to do. Keep these in mind if you wanna impress your partner.
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Don’t arrange his space.

Well that’s not so hard to do, is it? After all its one job less to worry. Men can be quite messy in arranging his things but what you often don’t realise is that he knows where his things are. So if you were to intrude in to his space and start shifting and moving things and make it seemingly more ‘orderly’ , you would have probably done a disappointing job for him. Let his stuffs be where he wants to be
Sharing Gossips with him

Men are not averse about gosipping but they dont want to be dragged in to it very often. Also if you are not married to your guy and you share all the gossips with him about your other friends and classmates, at some point he starts thinking if you are doing the same to him behind your back. Youd don’t want that , do you ?
Crying for silly issues

People think men don’t cry and are less emotional. But they do and its just that they cover it up a little better. But when you find yourself in a situation where your partner starts crying, guys are often clueless about how to deal with them. Consoling doesn’t come naturally to them, as they themselves have probably been pacified less often. So if you cry for a reason that your partner thinks is trivial and you don’t see your guy not responding in a way that you would want him to, its probably because he doesn’t know how to.
Dressing up taking too much time

Well am sure you have figured out this for yourself. Its no secret that women takes more time to dress up and when you do this you push men to a phase where they are so impatient and irritated and will not be able to appreciate why you took the extra time. So that new dress or new hairstyle you brought out will be missed by your man.
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