High blood pressure or hypertension is often called the silent killer, having no symptoms in many cases.
You probably have high blood pressure (hypertension) if your blood pressure readings are consistently 140 over 90, or higher, over a number of weeks.
You may also have high blood pressure if just one of the numbers is higher than it should be over a number of weeks.
If you have high blood pressure, this higher pressure puts extra strain on your heart and blood vessels. Over time, this extra strain increases your risk of a heart attack or stroke.
High blood pressure can also cause heart and kidney disease and is closely linked to some forms of dementia.
High Blood Pressure Natural Treatment
It is imperative on part of patients with high blood to adopt a salt-restricted diet regimen. Uncooked or table salt must be completely avoided. In fact, in accordance with the gravity of the situation, it is advisable that they may adopt an oil-free diet. Similar to cutting down on salt, it is advisable that they cut down on the consumption of oil and fat. Instead of opting for seasoning in salt, seasoning in pepper may be a better option as the ‘cayenne’ content of pepper prevents accumulation of platelets; thereby facilitating a smooth circulation.
Brisk walking for thirty minutes at least twice a day serves to reduce high pressure.
Sedentary lifestyle marked by stress and tension contributes to high pressure. So stress-free life aided by relaxation and meditation will be of considerable help.
Even freehand exercises such as jogging, cycling, free hand exercises and swimming are beneficial for controlling high blood pressure.
Cutting down on smoking and alcohol consumption is also mandatory.
Mint leaves contribute significantly to reducing blood pressure. The powdered form of dried mint leaves may be had twice a day to reduce high blood pressure. Two teaspoonfuls of the same may contribute directly to reducing high blood pressure.
One of the medicinal properties of garlic caters to the reduction of arterial spasms. So consumption of garlic contributes significantly towards lowering blood pressure and also ensuring control over pulse rate and cardiac rhythm.
Lemon also keeps hypertension under control by adding to the strength of capillaries. Regular consumption of lemon juice squeezed into the water without salt or sugar will serve to control blood pressure by controlling the wear and tear of arteries with its invaluable Vitamin P content.
Similar to lemon juice, grapes also serve to reduce blood pressure with its Vitamin P content.
Gooseberry also serves to keep blood pressure under control. Gooseberry mixed with honey should be taken every morning.
Dried and roasted seeds of watermelon also serve to reduce blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels.
Consumption of vegetables including potato, parsley, carrot and spinach play a significant role in reducing blood pressure. Juice made out of raw spinach and carrot works to reduce blood pressure with two glasses being taken twice a day.
Celery and broccoli deserve special mention amongst all vegetables as ‘phytochemical’ content of theirs serve to lower blood pressure. Celery helps to control stress hormone that has constricting effects on blood vessels.
Fruits rich in Vitamin B, sodium and potassium such as banana, grapes, oranges and apricots also serve to improve the circulatory system.
Rice with its low salt and cholesterol content work against high blood pressure. Besides the calcium content of rice serves to relax the nervous system. Magnesium and Potassium content of potato also serve to reduce hypertension.
As far as the choice of cooking medium is concerned, it is always advisable to go for one based on unsaturated oils extracted from mustard, safflower, sunflower and seeds of bitter gourd.
While natural remedies suggested as part of treatment for hypertension or high blood pressure should be accompanied by thorough medical advice and regular checkups; a situation of low blood pressure can be rectified easily by adopting a few dietary tips.
In order to prevent blood pressure from falling; it is important that you keep yourself properly hydrated because the absence of water from the system may lead to the fall of pressure.
Almond paste added to milk, juice of beetroot, chewing raisins soaked in water also help to control low blood pressure.
Equally effective is the consumption of basil juice and honey on an empty stomach for curing the symptoms of low blood pressure.
Nutritious food rich in protein and carbohydrate should be included in the diet.
Both forms of pressure abnormalities are counterproductive from the point of view of the system. The kind of lifestyle one leads has an important role to play. So steps should be taken to lead an active life free from woes and anxieties with an insistence on physical exercise and balanced diet.
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