The curd is full of good bacteria that helps your skin glow by nourishing it from within. Full of protein, calcium and vitamin D, curd for skin improves your complexion. Its anti-inflammatory properties aids in reducing acne. Not only can you use curd for oily skin, you can use a curd face pack to treat your dry skin too
Naturally, reduce fine lines and wrinkles from forming with an anti-ageing yoghurt face mask. The lactic acid in yoghurt will help dissolve dead skin and tighten pores. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to three to four tablespoons of yoghurt. Apply the mixture to your face for about 30 minutes, three times a week.
Slays the acnes and pimples
Want to get rid of that irksome pimple or acne on your face? Grab some curd from your fridge for an easy-peasy nourishing face mask. Packed with some powerful anti-acne elements like zinc and lactic acid, curd is one of the most inexpensive and effective solutions against those stubborn pimples and acnes. It not only helps reduce them but also provides relief from the irritation caused due to it.
Take one tablespoon of curd, one teaspoon of turmeric powder and make a paste. Apply it on the affected areas of face. Let it stay for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with cool water.
Removes dark spots and suntan
Most women dream of having a clean and clear skin, but dark spots and suntan pose an eternal threat to that dream. The best way to get your original skin tone back and fight blemishes is to try out a homemade face pack with curd, which is easily available in every kitchen. Enriched with zinc and lactic acid, curd works as a natural cleanser and exfoliating agent to remove dark spots and suntan.
Mix one tablespoon of curd, one teaspoon of besan/gram flour, two drops of lemon juice and one teaspoon honey to make a thick paste. Apply it on your face and once it dries rinse off with cold water. Do it religiously every day and you would notice the difference.
Tightens pores
Open or enlarged pores are a concern for many beauties with oily or combination skin. To minimise the appearance of those nasty pores, you can either rely on the expensive creams available in the market or just reach out to your fridge every day for the most affordable and easily available solution – curd. Curd is rich in probiotics and lactic bacteria, which help keep the bad bacteria in check that clog the pores, thus giving you visibly smaller pores.
Take some curd out of your fridge and slather it on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse it with normal water and say hello to a fresh and beautiful skin. You can also whisk some egg white and add to the simple face mask to make it more effective.
Reduces dark circles
If you are battling with dark circles every morning then, curd could be your new best friend. The nutrients, especially zinc and lactic acid present in the curd help remove dark circles to a great extent. It’s the cheapest remedy available for the dark circles but definitely something you can count on.
Take two cotton balls and dip it into one teaspoon of curd. Once the cotton balls have soaked curd dab them under your eyes and leave it undisturbed for about 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse with plain water.
Treats Dandruff and prevents hair loss
One of the main reasons for developing dandruff in your hair is presence of fungus. Curd being a natural antifungal agent, prevents the growth of fungus, thus giving you a dandruff-free healthy hair and scalp. The anti-inflammatory agents present in curd also provide relief from the itching caused due to dandruff.
Spray some water on your hair to make it slightly damp and then apply a generous amount of curd to the scalp and hair. You can keep it on for 30 minutes or an hour and then rinse it thoroughly with plain water. Besides helping you get rid of dandruff, the protein in curd will also strengthen your hair.
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