Health & Fitness

Here are some interesting facts about back dimples

Here are some interesting facts about back dimples

Beauty has long been thought of as being held in the eye of the beholder. But more and more science has come out with the results showing that beauty can actually be scientific. Certain features and traits are usually universally regarded as desirable whereas other traits are denoted as ‘less attractive.’ For instance, having big eyes and a symmetrical face can almost always result in a beautiful face.

You may have seen dimples in the face, but do you know that dimples are not only on face but also on the waist. It is special for those women who have dimples on their waist. Because they are also called ‘Dimples of Venus’.

In many women, this clearly emerges, in some women it does not appear very clear.

You will be shocked to know that these dimples are also considered to be some of the auspicious signs of the body. However, this auspicious combination gets very few people.

It is believed that the girls who have these beautiful dimples on their waist, they are very lucky. These are divine caves which every girl does not have.

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Apart from the face, it is rarely seen on other parts of the body, but it is possible. Such pits on the waist are called ‘Dimples of Venus’ or ‘Dimples of Apollo’. It is mostly in women and it is also rare in them.

Women with such dimples are considered fortunate. It is also said that women with such dimples on the waist are very beautiful.

Having dimples on the waist is considered a mark of beauty with naughty. Those girls who have dimples on the waist make them very special.

Women who have dimples on the waist are also very attractive and romantic in nature.

These women quickly attract men to themselves and most men also love them.

If these dimples are too deep then they are more romantic but if these dimples are a little less deep then they may be a little less romantic.

These two marks of beauty tell many things about your body. If you have also such dimples, then your parents and your siblings are more likely to have such dimples.

