- Gas Trouble
Gas can be a symptom of an underlying digestive condition, like irritable bowel syndrome or lactose intolerance. There are a lot of ways to describe excessive gas: burping, belching, flatulence, and bloating. … Bloating is used to describe the sensation of excess stomach gas that has not yet been released.
Drinking ginger tea is also an effective remedy for gas relief. Ginger acts as a natural carminative (agents that relieve flatulence).
- Quick Remedies
You can reduce or relieve gas troubles by making these simple and easy lifestyle changes.
- Consume Your Food And Drinks Slowly – Drinking and eating too fast can cause swallowing of air, which in turn causes gas. Slow down and remember to chew your food thoroughly.
- Reduce The Portion Size – Many gas-causing foods are also part of a healthy diet. It might be a good idea to have smaller portions of the problem foods to see if your body can benefit from them without creating excess gas.
- Exercise – Physical activity always helps to move the gas around and out through the digestive tract. There are some effective yoga asanas, like Pawanmuktasana, Bharadvajasana, and Supta Matsyendrasana, which will help relieve gas instantly.
- Pass A Motion – Encouraging bowel movements will speed up movement in the lining of the muscles in the large intestine, which will allow the gas to find its way out. It will also push out stored stools to release the trapped intestinal gas.
- Apply Heat To Your Stomach – Using a hot bag to relieve gas is extremely helpful. It will relax the muscles, ease the pain, and release the gas. You could also sit in a hot tub.
- Breathe Long And Deep – Deep, diaphragmatic breathing helps to ease pain and relax the abdominal muscles. It also releases stress, thereby relieving gas.
- Drinking The Right Way – When you drink liquids with your meals, you tend to cool down the acids in the stomach. This slows down the food breakdown process. Remember to drink liquids 30 minutes before or after your meals to keep the process of digestion intact.
- Eat In The Right Order – Our bodies naturally produce hydrochloric acid. The HCl breaks down the proteins when you begin to eat. If you start your meal with carbohydrates, all the HCl will get used up before you eat the proteins.
- Lie Down – If you have about of gas, you must lie down with your head elevated. Rest in this position until you feel better. You can also turn to one side for relief.
- What To Avoid When You Have Gas?
Avoiding the following few things will help you reduce the probability of accumulating gas in your abdomen:
1. Cut back on fatty foods. They tend to create bloating.
2. Temporarily avoid foods that are high in fiber. While you do that, go easy on fiber supplements too.
3. Reduce your consumption of dairy products.
4. Do not suppress or hold the gas inside. Go to a private area and release.
5. If you feel gassy, make sure you do not chew gum, suck on hard candy, or sip through a straw.
5. Do not smoke.
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