Tulsi or holy basil or ocimum tenuiflorum is known for its numerous benefits for health and beauty. The medicinal herb can be used for everything from a cough to heart diseases. It is known to strengthen immunity and is antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral.
The health benefits of holy basil, also known as tulsi, include oral care, relief from respiratory disorders, as well as treatment of fever, asthma, lung disorders, heart diseases, and stress.
One of the major causes of hair loss is dandruff and dry scalp. … Tulsi helps to improve the blood circulation and keeps your scalp cool reducing itchiness and dandruff and thus promotes hair growth. You can also apply tulsi paste which keeps the scalp, roots clean and keeps dandruff at bay.
Holy basil has anti-ageing properties. It restores your skin’s lost glow by detoxifying it. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help treat acne.
- Prevents Premature Graying Of Hair
All you need to do is soak dried holy basil powder (you can prepare it at home by grinding a few basil leaves) along with amla powder in water overnight. The next morning, wash your hair with the mixture (after straining it). This helps prevent premature graying of hair and treat hair fall.
- Slows Down Aging
The anti-ageing properties of basil are not unknown. The herb is super-rich in antioxidants, which give it the ability to rejuvenate the skin. It also protects the skin against the effects of oxidative damage. You can either consume basil water (boil a few leaves in water and drink it) or apply the extract to your face and wash it off.
- Adds Glow To Your Face
Basil powder can have great benefits for your face. You just need to rub finely powdered dry basil leaves on your face. Doing so renders a glow to your face and might even help remove dark spots. You can also mix a few drops of water with the powder and apply the paste on your face like a mask.
- Prevents Acne
Basil leaves purify your blood by removing toxins. The antibacterial and antifungal agents in the leaves help you achieve this. You just need to apply the paste made from basil leaves (along with sandalwood paste or rose water) on your face. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, post which you can wash your face with cold water. Using tulsi tea for this purpose can also help treat acne. You can consume tulsi tea as well.
This remedy can also help remove blackheads, acne scars and marks, and pimples.
- Relieves Skin Infections
Basil also possesses antibiotic properties, which play a role in treating infections. The leaves restrict the growth of bacteria like B anthracis and E coli that cause skin infections. A simple concoction prepared by grinding and boiling 250 grams of basil leaves along with sesame oil of equal quantity can help treat infections like itching.
Another simple mixture of ground basil leaves and an equal amount of lemon juice can help treat ringworm.
- Lightens Skin Tone
You can make a paste out of basil leaves (mixed with water) and combine this with besan. The former cleanses the skin while the latter lightens the tone. Applying this paste on your face and neck improves your skin tone.
- Treats Vitiligo And Eczema
Though we have limited research, regular intake of basil leaves can improve the symptoms of vitiligo. It can have similar effects on eczema as well. But hey, do consult your doctor before you use basil for this purpose.
- Tightens Skin Pores
If your skin has blemishes, you sure can benefit from basil. Combine one egg white and paste from basil leaves. Rub this mixture gently on your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Basil, along with egg white, helps tighten skin pores. It also disinfects the skin and prevents infection.
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