Chinese smartphone maker Oppo on Tuesday launched the latest addition to its F-series called the F9 Pro in India at a price of Rs 23,990. The F9 Pro will go on sale from 31 August and the pre-order will begin on Flipkart from 21 August, the day of the launch.
The smartphone is powered by MediaTek Helio P60 chipset coupled with 6GB RAM and 64GB internal storage which is expandable up to 256GB.
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The device houses 3500 mAh battery. The “F9 Pro” is equipped with Google Lens which gives users a faster means to obtain information.
The phone has a ‘water-drop’ notch that only houses the front speaker and the front camera. The tiny notch, paired with a slight chin at the bottom, make the phone as close to being bezel-less as it can.
With its VOOC flash charging, the F9 Pro can charge 2 hours worth of talk time battery in 5 minutes.
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