Bananas are extremely healthy and energising. A medium-sized banana contains about 420 mg of potassium and 3 g of fiber.
There is nothing unsafe about eating bananas at night. But, one may want to avoid it late at night. It is known to aggravate a cough and cold. As banana is a heavy fruit, it takes a long time to digest. If you want to eat it make sure you have it 2-3 hours before you hit the bed. Bananas make you feel lethargic and lazy too.
It is a common belief that eating bananas or citrus fruits should be avoided by those who have a cold and cough, especially at night. It is true that during the night you are more vulnerable to infections. It is also true that one should avoid eating anything close to bedtime, as that is when our metabolism is the lowest and our body is looking to wind down. If you feed your body with food, it would transform into energy, which our body is not exactly looking for at that time.
Not entirely. According to many experts, nothing in moderation can harm. Bananas are rich in vitamin C, which boosts our immunity system. Experts also say that nutrient-dense banana helps replenish lost minerals and antioxidants that may help soothe cold and fever.
It is best to avoid eating sweet things at night, especially very sweet fruits, as they escalate energy levels at the time when your body is actually demanding sleep. But, if you must have something, then bananas may not be a bad bet. Bananas have decent quantum of magnesium, which has been known to aid sound sleep. Bananas are low in carbohydrates; therefore, they release sugar slowly, which doesn’t elevate your blood sugar levels. But, those struggling with cold and fever, may want to consult their physicians in before having a banana, late in the evening.
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