Don’t think that sex is fun and pleasure every time. Sometimes it may be scary. Not every sex position is bound to be erotic. From the most pleasurable sex position to best lubes and from how to orgasm to how to spice up your sex life, the Internet is loaded with websites dishing out sex-related advice. But before you try out any of these tips that guarantee you a sizzling sex session, make sure you have given it a careful thought.
Don’t ever try these sex tips:
- The doughnut trick:
Slip a doughnut around his penis and eat it off while doing the deed. No doubt it is not like what they say. It would ultimately taste like Yuck!
- Sprinkle pepper under his nose:
Oh my god, sprinkling pepper under his nose right before he is about to orgasm-this will become a big foolishness.
- Two condoms for extra protection:
This is one of the most illogical pieces of advice you will come across online—using two condoms during intercourse provides extra protection.
In reality, it can cause friction between them which could weaken the material and the condoms might rupture.
- The dangerous handjob:
Make two fists around his organ and twist them in opposite direction, as fast as you can. Well, we pray the victim of this sex tip does not get a penile fracture.
- Use your teeth:
This one sounds painful even while reading: using your teeth to gently bite her clitoris is a turn on for your partner. Well, don’t be shocked if she never sees your face ever again after this attempt.
- Pee inside her
This one is disgusting and it’s against all logic. Beware, you might cringe after reading it! Peeing inside her before coming can help to prevent pregnancy. The ammonia in urine can neutralise the sperm and hence, you don’t need to use a condom. Whosoever gave this advice needs to know that once the sperm has entered the vagina, there is no way to get it out. Please don’t try this at home, office or any place on earth.
Also Read: According to a study, this is the most stressful and uncomfortable sex position ever
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