These are the most expensive animals in the world : See Pics
Argali – 7 Million Rupeees
The Argali is the largest wild sheep native to the highlands of central Asia. Although the Argali sheep are close to the extinction, kazakhstan has achieved a 9 percent increase in it’s population.
Ayam cemani – Rs 1,70,000
Ayam cemani is a quite incredible rare chicken in the world, are native to Indonesia. others they say that they bring good fortune and luck to those who have them.
Black cockatoo – Rs 11,57,000
Black cockatoos are native to Australia and it is the oldest species in cockatoos. they are very difficult to keep in captivity. It’s mouth is so strong and can able to cut the steel cages and they like to feed walnuts.
De Brazzas monkey – Rs 5,05,850
These are native to Eastern Africa, it has a distinctive white beard, white belly, speckled greyish coat and black extremities. their feets are very stronger than other species.
White Lion – Rs 99,72,520
This unique color animal can cost almost 10 million rupee in the market but they are only few left in the world. you can find them on across Timbavati river.
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