You Will Need
- 1 cup aloe vera gel (use store-bought gel or scoop out the gel from an aloe leaf)
- 12 tablespoons beeswax
- ¼ cup coconut oil
- ¼ cup almond oil
- 10 drops essential oil(s) (pick any from the oils mentioned in the above recipes)
- Melt the beeswax, coconut, and almond oils in a double boiler.
- Pour the oils into a blender and let the mixture cool down.
- Add the essential oils and the aloe vera gel. Blend until you get a creamy texture.
- Store the mixture a glass jar. You can even store it in the refrigerator.
Why This Works
- Aloe vera soothes your skin and reduces inflammation (itches and dry patches). Beeswax heals your skin and keeps it moisturized, and essential oils prevent infection and help in healing your skin.
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