Dandruff is a chronic and most common scalp condition presented in the form of white flakes which appear on the scalp. These flakes from the superficial skin layer made of dead skin cells result in itching. Vigorous scratching ultimately leads to hair fall.
Does Dandruff Cause Hair Loss/Baldness
Nearly 20 out of every 50 women suffer from mechanical hair fall which is caused by the intense itching and scratching movements. Dandruff is caused by intense drying up of the scalp, and the constant urge to itch can lead to hair fall due to friction.
However, there is a more insidious relationship between dandruff and hair fall that you probably have no clue about. Dermatitis is the name that should get you worried. It is a scalp skin condition which causes both dandruff and hair loss and it is believed that most people, who suffer from hair loss problems, also suffer from some version or the other of dermatitis!
An important fact to remember is that none of the hair loss patterns in adults is actually caused directly by dandruff. In all cases, dandruff indirectly, through trauma induced by scratching and through the production of fungal secretions, causes loss of hair. Thus this is one myth that needs to be busted.
Keep in mind that dandruff and hair loss, form two ends of a vicious cycle. Not only does increased production of dandruff cause hair loss, but sometimes it is also the other way round.
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