March 21- April 19
Today your energy is revving like a motorcycle engine, raring to go. You’re full of feeling and passion. And since right now you can be impulsive about expressing strong emotions, you’ll need to channel these feelings in a careful, conscious way. Don’t snap at your spouse or a coworker, and avoid any type of manipulative behaviour. Instead, talk things out with someone you trust. This will free up deeper levels of energy within you.
April 20-May 20
You’re rather stirred up today, and you may be dealing with some tricky emotions such as jealousy or suspicion. These are natural feelings, of course, if uncomfortable ones. Everyone has them. But instead of simply talking it out with the person concerned, you turn stubborn and secretive. It’s much better to take a forgiving attitude. Remember, you could easily be reading the situation wrong. Don’t be hard on yourself or others, either.
May 21-June 21
Everyone around you seems to be in a very intense mood today. The way you see it, people are taking their feelings waaay too seriously. Why can’t everyone just calm down and develop a sense of humour? You may be right about that. Being able to laugh at yourself is one of your best qualities, Gemini. But it’s also okay to feel your emotions deeply. You don’t always have to intellectualise everything.
June 22-July 22
Your deepest feelings are stirred up today. Fortunately, you’re no stranger to deep emotions, and you know how to handle them. If you’re in a stable relationship with a romantic partner, so much the better, but your connection with your best friend or a beloved family member is important now, too. It’s good to talk out your feelings with someone you love and trust. Make that intimate connection today, Cancer.
July 23-August 22
Your dramatic streak swells today. You feel all worked up and moody for no reason you can put your finger on. Try not to turn this stormy energy toward yourself or your partner. In moments like these, you need a lot of compassion, support and love, and creating issues in your close relationships will only make you feel worse. Look at your spouse or close friends as a safe harbor in which to anchor your ship.
August 23-September 22
You hold yourself and others to high standards even on a good day, but today, you zero in on errors like arrows seeking a target. If you feel impatient with yourself or someone near you, it’s a sign that you need to slow down and take a deep breath. There’s probably something beneath the surface of your emotions that you aren’t dealing with. You’ll feel better if you take a closer look at it.
September 23-October 22
You crave closeness today with someone who knows you well, such as your spouse, partner or best friend. But this person knows both your strengths and your weaknesses, and loves you just the same. If you need to have a heart-to-heart talk, this is a good day for it. Just be honest about your own feelings and motivations, and reach out with love. Intimacy will deepen as a result.
October 23 – November 22
Your personal power is on high today. Fresh energy moves through you, strengthening your sense of inner purpose and ambition. As with any burst of self-direction, it’s important to think about how you plan to channel this. Though you’re in a take-charge mood, you don’t need to dominate everyone around you. Think of how to put your personal power to use in a way that will benefit everyone.
November 23-December 20
Normally you’re all about freedom, even in personal relationships. You want to do your own thing, and you’re happy for your partner to do the same. But today, you’re feeling a little possessive of their time and energy. The key here is not to take these feelings too seriously. Don’t deny them or bottle them up, which will only make them more intense. But recognise that they’re just feelings, and will pass soon.
December 21-January 19
You love days like this, when you’re able to focus deeply on the task before you and really get something done. You’re discovering interesting facts in places you didn’t expect. Hold your findings under wraps for a few more days. For now, keep digging and making important connections. Soon you may be ready to reveal your project to everyone, and to great acclaim. Be ready for your fifteen minutes of fame.
January 20-February 18
Analysing people, situations, options and outcomes is one of your fortes. Today, use this talent of yours to go deeply into a subject or issue that’s been on your mind. The more personal this issue is, the more edgy your exploration could become, but keep pushing forward with it. The truth is important to you, even if it means you have to go through some uncomfortable moments to uncover it.
February 19-March 20
Your connection with a loved one deepens today, or maybe it’s just that you’re more aware of its depth than usual. Even if the other person is far away from you, you sense their presence as if they’re right next to you. Your intuition is stronger now than usual, so use it to tap into your most intimate relationships. Connecting with a friend or your spouse is healing for both of you.
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