There are also potential negative coconut oil side effects that we didn’t know about. Check out some of the surprising side effects of ingesting coconut oil
- Diarrhea
Can coconut oil cause diarrhea? Well, coconut oil is usually taken orally to fight internal bacterial infection. This process of destroying the bacteria can lead to certain short-term side effects. And one of them is diarrhea. There could be other related symptoms too.
To minimize the symptoms, you need to first consume the oil in smaller amounts – and gradually work your way up to the required quantity.
- Acne Breakout
This is more likely to happen to individuals with excessively oily skin. The lauric acid in coconut usually helps in killing the acne-causing bacteria. But this is in the case of skin that is not very oily. Otherwise, there could be a problem.
What you can instead do is use coconut oil as a carrier oil. Use other skin-friendly essential oils, along with coconut oil, to get relief from acne.
- High Cholesterol Levels
As per a report by the Harvard Medical School, coconut oil may not be as healthy as other vegetable oils (like olive oil or soybean oil) with regard to cholesterol levels. Though coconut oil can boost good cholesterol levels, it may not be preferred to other healthy vegetable oils.
The increase in coconut oil intake was linked to a rise in total cholesterol levels as well as that of LDL (the bad cholesterol).
The saturated fat content in coconut oil is higher than other fats or oils (butter or olive oil). And it has been found that high levels of saturated fat lead to an increase in bad cholesterol, which can eventually result in health complications.
- Intestinal Distress
Individuals with fructose malabsorption are particularly susceptible to this. This is basically when someone has trouble absorbing fructose, which results in digestive issues – including intestinal distress. Though coconut oil does not contain fructose, all other products made from it do. If you suffer from any intestinal distress or related issues post the consumption of products containing coconut oil, you know what to do – consult your doctor.
Numerous food products based on coconut oil also contain fructans that are made of a small chain of fructose. Fructans can also cause gastrointestinal problems.
Individuals experiencing digestive distress post the consumption of such foods also often react to broccoli, garlic, onions, wheat, and Brussels sprouts.
Certain compounds called sulphites are present in desiccated coconut (if not in coconut oil) that can also cause digestive issues. The best solution could be to eliminate all forms of coconut from your diet and see if the symptoms improve. If not, visit your doctor.
- Allergies
Though not as prevalent as other forms of allergies, coconut oil does cause allergies if one is sensitive to it. Some of the allergic reactions include nausea, rashes, eczema, hives, vomiting, and anaphylaxis (a lethal emergency that involves troubled breathing).
According to a Boston study, children having peanut allergies (or allergic to tree nuts) are less likely to be allergic to coconut oil (as coconut is not basically a nut, but a fruit). Still, if your child has any of these allergies, it is better to consult your doctor before letting them try coconut oil.
Here’s what you might need to avoid if you are allergic to coconut oil (or any form of coconut) – chocolates, cakes, and the popcorn that they sell at movie theaters.
If you are suspicious of having allergic reactions to coconut oil, it is better to keep track of your symptoms in a food diary. Post which, you can visit your health care specialist. This helps you get an insight into the allergy.
In rare cases, one might even develop severe allergy symptoms – these can include rapid heart rate, facial swelling, and lightheadedness. If you are experiencing any of these, visit your doctor immediately.
There is one substance called coconut diethanolamide, manufactured from coconut oil, which is used as an agent in hand washing liquids. As per a Finnish study, certain individuals experienced allergies after using products containing this agent.
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