Kerala Government filed an affidavit in the High Court in relation to the unpleasant incidents of violence that has been taking place outside the shrine. The affidavit makes clear that police were not involved in any sort of provocation, “only criminals who created issues in Sabarimala were arrested.”
The state government also made it clear in the court that the base camp has been shifted to Nilakkal only due to lack of facilities, and has no connection with the Supreme Court verdict.
On November 22, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan met Governor P. Sathasivam and promised to get better facilities for the pilgrims visiting the Sabarimala temple, as the two-month season to pay obeisance to Lord Ayyappa peaks.
Meanwhile, Pathanamthitta District Collector on Thursday night extended the prohibitory orders in Sabarimala, Nilackal, Pamba areas for four more days. “Prohibitory orders have been extended till November 26 midnight after considering various reports filed by officials,” Collector Nooh said.
A group of clients on Friday plead in Kerala High Court and demanded two days in a week reserved for the entry of women devotees in Sabarimala shrine.