Check out the horoscope predictions on our website!
Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20
If you are involved in monetary matters, today you will find yourself weighing the benefits. A loan that you have applied for may be sanctioned. Look at a range of choices, says Ganesha, and you will end up feeling very happy about it.
Taurus Apr 21 – May 21
Your think tank will be running on overdrive today. Your possessiveness might kick in to cause a conflict. Keep your anger under the carpet to avoid any unnecessary complications. Introspection will also play upon your thoughts, leading you to explore your problems and pry for solutions, predicts Ganesha.
Gemini May 22 – Jun 21
You will feel blue and out of sorts today. You will feel that you are all alone in the world, emotionally. Your repressed desires and your philosophical streak will come to the fore today and will influence your dark mood, says Ganesha.\
Cancer Jun 22 – Jul 22
Your ideas today are a source of your energy. A situation may arise, which will force you to take hard decisions later. A new business or venture may prove beneficial. Your magical touch will bestow success in every endeavour. Ganesha is with you.
Leo Jul 23 – Aug 23
There are chances of conflict on the home front today. However, you will be able to solve these problems owing to your understanding of nature. However, these conflicts would likely not have cropped up if you would have paid more attention to your family. You appreciate the wonderful things in life today, says Ganesha.
Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 22
Open the mind gates and let your imagination flow, says Ganesha. At your creative best, you will pursue innovation and creativity today. Luck will be on your side and even those things that you took a risk on may lean your way. Your energy levels will be unusually high and you will feel passionate about all that you undertake. A good day to organise social events for family and friends.
Libra Sep 23 – Oct 23
Everyone has a dream, but only a few have the fortune to realise them. Be among the lucky ones today as you see your dream project materialise and take its first steps towards a successful future. But all good things have humble beginnings. What matters is that you had a dream, and dreaming it was the hardest part, reminds Ganesha.
Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22
Today promises to be an exceptional day for those involved in the business. With sheer brilliance, you will steer deals right to your doorstep, and will display great finesse in negotiations and bartering. Bring out the leader in you and take charge when you introduce new products or market them in business, suggests Ganesha.
Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21
To do or not to do? That will be the question for most of today as you find yourself pulling out of one dilemma only to trip into the next one. Controversy will surround you and you may find yourself at the crossroads, where you are unsure of which direction to take. Turn to the wisdom of the experienced for proper guidance, advises Ganesha.
Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20
The chances of you meeting financial success are few, but they are there nonetheless, says Ganesha. If you really want to improve your account balance and settle all the burgeoning debts, focus on what all needs to be done, and get it done without delay. You will make merry later in the day and will enjoy the company of your loved ones. But you will have free time despite all of this and will get lured into unnecessary spending, especially on recreational activities. Spend your money prudently to avoid a financial crisis in the future.
Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 18
You are already overloaded with work. On the top of it, people around you will conveniently put their share of the load on your back, and you will take it most of the times. You, however, will not get bogged down by the additional responsibilities. In fact, you will rise to the challenge and perform exceptionally well, leaving your rivals surprised.
Pisces Feb 19 – Mar 20
This day promises to be filled with much romance, laughter, and fine dining says Ganesha. You will seem irresistible to the opposite sex. You might also find yourself falling for someone. A breath of fresh air could waft into old relationships, or new ones could be formed. However, this is likely to be a drawn-out process. You could find yourself dining out with friends, later on in the evening.
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