The morning hours have the least amount of pollution in the air. Fresh air has oxygen in abundance, along with other gases. When you inhale oxygen, it gets delivered to the cells, which use it to perform all functions. When your body functions properly, the chances of you suffering from various diseases diminishes.
Secondly, the morning air is rich in negative ions and oxygen is negatively charged. So, the more the negative ions, the more the oxygen, and the better it is for you to breathe in that fresh air. These negative ions or oxygen in the air will help you feel rejuvenated and have a pleasant state of mind.
In fact, when you go to a forest or near a beach or waterfall, the air is cooler and fresher because it is loaded with negative ions in these places. Which is why we always feel better after coming back from a vacation. Wouldn’t it be amazing if you can make it a habit of walking in the morning and inhaling as much good air as possible.
Benefits of morning walk:
- Walking gives you energy for the rest of the day.
- Walking in the morning removes the “I’ll do it later” excuse.
- Walking in the morning creates a positive mindset for your other important activities.
- Walking in the morning promotes weight loss.
- Early morning exercise is good for your heart.
- Morning walking give you time to plan out the day.
- Lowers The Risk Of Diabetes
- Prevents Arthritis And Osteoporosis
- Prevents Strokes
- Controls Cholesterol
- Fights And Protects From Cancer
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