BJP today accused Congress President Rahul Gandhi of amassing crores of rupees through illegal means. BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra today alleged that Rahul Gandhi is not a professional and his only income is through his salary as an MP but his assets have increased many times.
He claimed that Gandhi had assets of around 55 lakh rupees in 2004 which increased to over two crores in 2009 and in 2014, he had assets worth nine crore rupees. He alleged that such earnings is through irregularities in land deals and kickbacks in arms deals.
He alleged that Gandhi and his sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had a 4.69-acre farmhouse in Delhi that was rented out to a firm that had been issued show-cause notice for violations and alleged financial irregularities.
Earlier on Saturday, Union minister Ravi Shanker Prasad had said, “In his (Rahul Gandhi) election affidavit in 2004, his income was Rs 55,38,123 while in 2009, it rose to Rs 2 crore and in 2014 it rose to Rs 9 crore.
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