Nimere Parfums’ is a small firm in Russia who is engaged in selling eccentrically named perfumes. The Perfumes “Gypsy Blood”, “Courtesan Intrigues”, and “Windsor’s Temptation” is some among them. The same fragrance team has also released ” Sexual Harassment” last year. The name gained much disgraces from people all over the world. The customers had an opinion that the name is derogatory and provocative at the same time.
Now Nikolay Eremin who was the founder of Company has admitted that he made a mistake in providing such a provocative name.
Writing on Instagram, Eremin said although he had not intended the name to mean literal harassment, it was still wrong and “not thought out”.
“My mistake was that at that moment I did not think about the real victims, about the people who really faced this tragedy,” he wrote.
Rather than quietly removing the perfume from selling, Mr Eremin said he wanted to apologise for the mistake which he had done. But for fans of the fragrance, he had good news: the smell would soon be released under a new, less inflammatory, name.
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