Health & Fitness

This what going to happen if you are skipping your breakfast


Blood sugar drops

Having breakfast helps restore Glycogen and stabilize levels of insulin. If you do not refresh your Glucose store in your body, the result will cause in resulting in an overly hungry and fatigued state of a body.

Slows down metabolism

An early meal can add your metabolism rate and encourage your body to burn more calories throughout the day. When you fast for too long, your body goes into protection mode and begins to store as many calories as possible just like hibernation. This will negatively affect your body.

Stress hormone increases

Breakfast has a positive effect on Cortisol, which is the primary reason for ” Stress hormones”. Normally, cortisol levels are highest at about 7 a.m., so this is when it’s important to eat something to bring them back down

Increases the risk of heart disease

Skipping breakfast regularly can make you more susceptible to weight gain and increase your risk of heart disease. As weight gains the heart, take it much risk to pump blood through the arteries thus creating the risk of cardiac arrest also.


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