We all know fitness is the most important part of our life. Lifting weights, working out and making the perfect toned body is as important as breathing as our body is the only place where we have to live in. All those who take care of your body will never be motivated throughout the week. They will lose their confidence in some part of their gym/fitness chronicle. Don’t get worried if you are one among them it’s a common gesture even for Jay Cutler the massive giant MR Olympia winner.
How to stimulate the inactive motivation within you? Try these five style equations to stay motivated and to be a pro in the Gym.
NOT TOO BAGGY: Pick those clothes comfortable for you. Never take too loose or too tight clothes. Go for those tees that are a little sticky to your body so you could see the progress your body is making. It is a great incentive to work harder also says, researchers. If you are obese strictly wear the tightest tees you have.
COLOR YOUR WORKOUT: It doesn’t mean to take crayons with you, mate! Select those colored tees that lift your mood. Have not you noticed the color of your GYM walls and roofs tinted only with darker tones to life your mood up for intensity?
THINK ABOUT THE GEARS: Always keep the gears with you. Shopping for accessories can actually make you feel more committed to your exercise routine. Buying the perfect bottle to picking out that comfortable pair of running shoes. fitting health packs not only add the commitment to your goal but also saves your life.
WORK SMART: Workout for the quality of the sets and reps and not aim for the quantity. You just need to push your limits not egos of other gym aspirants. Whether its weight gaining or shredding, FOCUS!
ALWAYS FOLLOW A ROUTINE: yes ! you heard me mate. Never storm your body with orthodox irregular movements. Keep following a weekly routine that could be changed every two weeks to avoid muscle memory
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