Do not think about the naughty parts in between your legs when you think about sex organs. The real machine for a good sex are those not that you think with your naughty crooked mind but its is brain. The specific parts of brain which get aroused when dirty talk is done is the powerful catalyst which strokes the right organs.
The same has been proved by the wealth of scientific researchers which established the role of brain in sexual activity. The sex drive is originated from the hypothalamus which is responsible for the production of testosterone in males. The amygdala is the center for fear on the other hand.Both brain regions strongly effect how we respond to dirty talk and sexual stimulation in general.
Men have larger hypothalamus when compared to females hence they have more sex drive and men tend to initiate arousal through a mere contact and why men are less cautious about who they take on as sexual partners. Partners who seek a submissive role, on the other hand, are led more by their amygdala, one of the brain’s fear centers.
Talking dirty to your partner will arouse them as it hits the right parts of the brain. It feeds our need for intimate conversation and lust for sexual activity. The same wil provide you a multi layered sexual experience than physical touch.
Dirty talk works because it’s sex through suggestion, and to our brains, suggestion can be just as powerful as full-on execution.
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