The world has now consumed ten per cent more alcohol per adult in 2017 than in in the previous years. This toll has increased due to the heavier and more widespread drinking in China and India. The same is asserted by the researchers. On current trends, global consumption per capita will rise another 17 per cent over the next decade, they reported in The Lancet.
By 2030 half of all adults worldwide will drink alcohol and almost a quarter will binge drink at least once a month, according to projections covering 189 countries.
“The world is not on track to achieve global targets to reduce harmful alcohol use,” the authors said, calling for more aggressive counter-measures such as higher taxes and a ban on advertising.
In India, meanwhile, a far smaller percentage of the population of 40 and 22 per cent of men and women respectively, drank at all in 2017, on average less than six litres of pure alcohol. But that was double the figure for 1990 and the researchers foresee an additional 50 per cent increase by 2030.
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