Koduvally Municipal Councillor has got a threat from none other than Kodi Suni who is still serving a sentence in Prison for his involvement in T.P Chandrasekharan murder. It was councillor Kozhisseri Majeed who filed a complaint. He had given some information about Gold smuggling which is what Suni did not like.
He is the councillor in the 24th ward of Koduvally Municipality and also owns jewellery in Qatar. The audio clip of the threat has been released.
In the complaint, it has been mentioned that he and his family were threatened by Suni. Suni says he is a seasoned player in the gold smuggling and the plaintiff will have to face him someday. Majeed is currently in Qatar and Suni says if he lands in Kerala, he will be no more.
Majeed had not helped Suni to sell or smuggle Gold and also informed police about his moves. This is what provoked Suni.
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