Following the incident of Akhil, a student of University college being stabbed by SFI leaders, there is a mass outcry in the public to put an end to the autocratic activities of SFI. Fans and sympathizers of SFI have resorted to the defense that it is an isolated incident of a few poor SFI leaders, but former Principal of University College Professor S Varghese shed some light on how the organization used to operate there for so long.
University College Thiruvananthapuram is a Party-College, its a monopoly of SFI. I don’t approve the claim that the majority of its students are SFI. Other student organisations have no freedom to work there, SFI won’t permit that. They will use their muscle power on students who have a different political ideology” he said while speaking to a Malayalam news channel.
Mr. Varghese also spoke about the frightening array of weapons the SFI are hiding inside the college.
When I was the principal I had confiscated a wide array of weapons from there. They use these weapons when they have confrontation against Police. During election time at college, SFI will keep vigil to make sure that nobody except trusted SFI members can even file nomination”.
Varghese also smashed the defense of SFI leaders that everywhere else they operate peacefully.
There is an awareness among mass about the atrocities now. It’s not just university college, but there are other institutions which work in a similar fashion. Maharajas College, Karyavattom University, Brennan College Thalasseri, Madapally Government college, etc are all examples of SFI’s autocracy” he said.
The former Principal also revealed a shocking incident of how a girl was the victim of SFI hiding weapons in the girl’s restroom.
“When I was the principal it was found that weapons were kept even in the restroom of girl students. Once a girl, unaware of the presence of the weapon, when to the restroom and was injured by it” he revealed.
Most of the students are not SFI in college. There is no election in the college” he added.