” You the human are wasting water. We animals are not like you.’ This what this monkey has said by his act. He has not wasted water after quenching his thirst.
What a beautiful message for humans! pic.twitter.com/wTgK4b9uGF
— Dr. S.Y. Quraishi (@DrSYQuraishi) August 1, 2019
A video of a monkey who closes the water tap after drinking water is the ‘real superstar’ on social media now. The video was posted by Dr.S.Y.Quraishi. He posted the video with a caption ‘ What a beautiful message for humans’.
Conscious monkey!!
— Tharun Sanaka (@tharun_sanaka) August 2, 2019
The video shows a thirsty monkey drinking water from a running tap and then once he has done he shuts the tap an intelligent mind. Humans really need to copy this.
We might have evolved mentally and physically, but we haven't evolved responsibly.
— bharat : sharma (@boynamedbharat) August 2, 2019
They prove the reverse theory that evolution was from man to monkey
— Ameen Izzadeen (@ameenizzadeen) August 2, 2019
Monkeys are very emotional ,responsible and disciplined !!
— elan (@cne1963) August 2, 2019
Monkeys are more sensible and responsible than human.
— Chandrababu (@babuchandra01) August 2, 2019
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