Many prominent personalities including film actors come protesting and condemning the tragic murder of doctor Priyanka Reddy. Priyanka Reddy, a veterinary doctor was brutally on the Hyderabad-Bengaluru National Highway on Thursday. Priyanka is suspected to have been gang raped before being murdered.
The Telengana police has arrested four lorry drivers for allegedly raping and murdering Priyanka.
Prominent actors including Akshay kumar, Nani, Sona Mohapatra and Nidhi Agarwal has condemned the brutal act. The actors shared their protest over their social media handle.
“Whether it is #PriyankaReddy in Hyderabad, #Roja in Tamil Nadu or the law student gangraped in Ranchi,we seem to be losing it as a society. It has been 7 yrs to the gut-wrenching #Nirbhaya case & our moral fabric continues to be in pieces.We need stricter laws.This needs to STOP!”, tweeted Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar.
Whether it is #PriyankaReddy in Hyderabad, #Roja in Tamil Nadu or the law student gangraped in Ranchi,we seem to be losing it as a society. It has been 7 yrs to the gut-wrenching #Nirbhaya case & our moral fabric continues to be in pieces.We need stricter laws.This needs to STOP!
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) November 29, 2019
Be it #PriyankaReddy in Hyderabad, #Roja in Tamil Nadu or the law student gangraped by 12 men in Ranchi or Nibhaya from 7 years ago we all wake up & talk shock after the tragedy . In between all this, known sexual predators are endlessly platformed & sexual aggression normalised.
— Sona Mohapatra (@sonamohapatra) November 29, 2019
This has saddened me to my core. Human being inhumane. This needs to stop. This is what we know of, imagine how many cases we don’t know about. Women or men, every individual needs to be treated with basic respect. These men deserved to be punished. #JusticeForPriyankaReddy
— Nidhhi Agerwal (@AgerwalNidhhi) November 29, 2019
We can’t even demand for justice cause no matter what punishment is served to the one's who did this it’s still not justified.
RIP ? Can she ?
I just feel so angry and helpless.
Requesting the media to be sensitive with the family.#Priyankareddy— Nani (@NameisNani) November 29, 2019
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