The release date of the much hyped and much anticipated Malayalam film ‘Trance’ was announced. The film directed and produced by Anwar Rasheed. The film marks the come back of Anwar Rasheed after a gap. Fahadh Faasil and wife Nazriya playing the lead roles in the film.
The film will be hitting screens on February 14 as a Valentine’s Day special. The release date got announced along with a beautifully designed poster featuring the lead pair, Fahadh and Nazriya.
Cinematographer Amal Neerad and sound designer Resul Pookutty are part of the technical side.Vincent Vadakkan has scripted the film.
The cast of the film includes Gautham Vasudev Menon, Soubin Shahir, Chemban Vinod Jose, Vinayakan, Dileesh Pothan, Arjun Ashokan, Sreenath Bhasi.
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