BR Shetty, who is also the founder of NMC health, has recently resigned as the co-chair of the leading UAE healthcare sector by a collapse of its share value. The allegations raised by short seller Muddy Waters and other investors are said to be the primary cause of the same.
Shetty, once rose to fame for having owned 100th and 140th floor of the iconic Burj Khaleefa. A well known face in the Dubai’s real estate and pharmaceutical world, Shetty said his purpose of buying the two apartments was to host parties and he had no interest in selling Burj Khalifa apartments.
Here are other interesting facts about BR Shetty:
Bavaguthu Raghuram Shetty also known by his sobriquet BR shetty was born in 1942
He is India’s 42nd richest person in 2019
He Has a net worth of $1.6 billion
Shetty Moved to the UAE in 1973
He Owns the entire 100th floor of Burj Khalifa
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