Coronavirus: A list of dos and don’ts for protecting yourself against Covid-19

Coronavirus outbreak which began in China has spreaded across the globe like  wildfire. As per the recent updates around 80,000 people in 60 countries has been affected by the deadly disease. In our country the total number of cases has risen to 28.

The coronavirus family of viruses includes the common cold and more serious diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Coronavirus infections have a wide range of symptoms, including fever, cough and breathing difficulties. Scientists have labelled the new virus 2019-nCoV.

Statistics from China indicate that about 2% of people infected with the new virus have died. This suggests that , Covid-19 is  deadlier than seasonal flu but less deadly than SARS, which killed about 10%of infected individuals. The MERS outbreak in 2012 had a fatality rate of about 35%.

It is believed to have originated in a food market in China’s Wuhan that was illegally selling wildlife. Health experts think it may have originated in bats and then passed to humans, possibly via another species.

Here are the dos and don’ts or keeping the disease at bay:


Good personal hygiene is a must if Covid-19 spread has to be contained

Practice frequent hand washing with soap

Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing

Wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms such as cough or running nose


Avoid travelling if sick

Don’t travel to China if not essential: The government has also advised Indians to avoid all non-essential travel to countries affected by Covid-19.

Close contact with people who are unwell or showing symptoms of illness should be avoided

Don’t consume raw/undercooked meat and avoid contact with live animals
