Sex and COVID-19
Can the coronavirus be transmitted sexually? The answer is simple: we do not know. At the moment, there is no reliable research, official communication or scientific report from trusted authorities.
Sexual transmission is not the same as contracting the virus from your sexual partner. You can easily contract the virus from an infected sexual partner by activities like kissing — just not through sexual transmission. That term is defined as transmission through sexual contact and fluids including vaginal, oral and anal sex.
Christian Lindmeier, a spokesperson for WHO — the World Health Organization — told the New York Times that coronaviruses are not typically sexually transmitted. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are seven types of coronaviruses, all of which typically affect the respiratory tract in humans.
Other infectious disease experts support these observations. But the coronavirus may not be limited to the respiratory tract. There is some evidence that it has been found in the feces of infected patients, although the CDC expects the risk of transmission is low.
The novel coranavirus spreads via droplets that are expelled when infected people exhale, cough or sneeze. Others become infected by inhaling these droplets, or touching them on a surface and then touching their face. Thus, chances of getting the virus through sexual activities with an infected person is almost certain.
Since the virus is present in respiratory secretions, it is easy to assume almost any sexual practice would lead to its transmission due to close contact. This is not the time to have that sexy social gathering.
The executive director of the American adult industry workers’ coalition, Michelle L. LeBlanc, called for a voluntary shutdown of all adult entertainment productions during the pandemic to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Does isolation mean no sex?
Sexual behavior is a realm where variety is highly valued. Although it is practically impossible to ask people not to have sex, perhaps we could help by suggesting simple and small experimenting?
Since you can be infected with the virus and not have symptoms, the only reliable way to know if you or your partner are infected is through testing. If you and your partner have no symptoms and have stayed at home, then sex likely poses no risk.
We can contribute to the control of the COVID-19 pandemic by taking a few precautions. We can also learn to thrive differently in times of sexual need. Here are a few general recommendations to keep in mind that can reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Safer sex
First and foremost, wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water before and after you do anything.
Think of it as the new foreplay in the time of isolation!
If you think you need a face mask, most likely you don’t. Mask use is recommended by WHO only in specific cases. There is evidence that some women in Japan have worn face masks as a way to increase their attractiveness by hiding their faces when not wearing makeup. However, a study of this practice showed that for some, face masks decrease facial attractiveness.
You can further minimize the risk of contagion by using condoms, dental dams or latex gloves. These may not be your cup of tea, but desperate times calls for fun measures.
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