Becoming a mom or dad could be the next wish of a husband and wife after getting to know each other. Shouldering the responsibilities of a family is innate in every human being as we all intuitively nurture the young and support the elders. But the weight of forming a family is first felt and experienced only by mothers, on their growing baby bumps. Men don’t have much to do as husbands care and support their partner during the gestation period.
Nature has a complex system to balance the odds. A new study reveals that men do take part in the pain and suffering of their partners. Most men develop a syndrome called Couvade or sympathetic pregnancy in which ‘expecting’ young fathers experience pregnancy-related symptoms. The syndrome is a mix of psychological and physical changes in young husbands whose partners are expecting babies.
The transformation of a husband and wife to dad and mom is exciting and equally emotional and stressful. Men are known to have altered hormonal levels mostly during the first and third trimesters of their partners’ pregnancy. Some of the symptoms which men develop during sympathetic pregnancy are nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain, bloating, appetite changes, respiratory problems, toothaches, leg cramps, backaches, and urinary or genital irritations.The symptoms also range to Psychological levels with many men experiencing anxiety, mood swings, depression, reduced sex drive, and restlessness.
This delicate phase of life is a real challenge for both husband and wife as they struggle against the changed situations both inside and outside their own selves.The psyche of couples could be supercharged resulting in highly volatile situations. Attend prenatal classes. Seek out advice and encouragement from friends and family. Talk to your partner. Understanding and planning for the challenges ahead can help ease your transition into parenthood.
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