Scientists at Chiun have made a disclosure about the coronavirus which has caused a stir in the whole world. Actually, Chinese scientists say that the sperm of the Karona virus-infected male has been investigated in which only small amounts are found, but the coronavirus has been found. After this investigation, it is being said that the sexual relation also increased the risk of spreading corona infection.
According to the news of the news agency Reuters, this investigation has been revealed in 38 male patients suffering from Admit Coronavirus at ShangQue Municipal Hospital in China. Of these, coronavirus infection has been found in the sperm of 6 patients. Scientists say that these findings are preliminary and very few people have been studied. In such a situation, it is difficult to say whether the infection of corona can be spread by sexual relations. This will require more people to investigate. This study has been published in JAMA Network.
He said that some of the 6 people who have got corona infection have already recovered. But coronavirus infection has been found in their sperm. In such a situation, it may be that the corona falls into the category of sexually transmitted diseases. Regarding this study, Ellen Pacey, professor of andrology at Sheffield University in Britain, has said that no corroborative evidence has yet been found as to whether the coronavirus transmits sexually.
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