Prime Minister Narendra addressing the nation on sixth International Yoga day said that Yoga gives the inner and physical strength to face adversity and is force which goes beyond race,gender,faith and nations. PMs earlier scheduled visit to Leh on int’l Yoga day was cancelled due to Covid precautions.
He highlighted the importance of practising yoga in the wake of Covid pandemic.”If our immunity is strong, it is of great help in defeating this disease. For boosting immunity, there are several techniques in Yoga, various `asanas’ are there,” he said. Practising ‘pranayama’ will strengthen our respiratory system which is prime target for Corona virus, he added.
Modi said yoga was not only about providing physical strength, but also mental balance and emotional stability to confidently negotiate the challenges before us.He said a yoga practitioner does not lose composure even in the most challenging circumstances. Even when the circumstances are adverse, to stay active, balanced and continue working tirelessly – yoga gives us these strengths, said Modi.
If we can fine-tune our chords of health and hope, the day is not far away when the world will witness the success of healthy and happy humanity, he said in the message.The International Day of Yoga is a day of “oneness of humanness,” he concluded.
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