Health and Life : Know why girls have trouble with sex

Your sex life can also be as embarrassing as a movie character if everything is not done correctly. You will be happy to know that there is no such problem that does not have any solution, today we have brought solutions to such common problems for you.

1. He likes Dirty Talk: Whether he likes talking on the phone or on the bed, he likes dirty talk and if you do not feel easy in it, then tell him this otherwise, how he will know? You will be upset and will not be able to enjoy as well. Therefore, solve this problem by talking. Negotiation is the only solution to this problem.

2. He does not give time to foreplay: If so, tell him that foreplay is necessary to bring both your body and your mood to that stage. Talk to him openly that with foreplay he will be able to enjoy more. Also, if you do not have the necessary natural lubricant release from foreplay, then you can use the lubricants available on medical.

3. And you don’t even feel orgasm: we can understand how annoying will be for you. Hence, the need to talk about further increases. Keep in mind that there is a way to do any work while talking to him, keep your tone under control and do not use words that cause discomfort to him. Do not make him feel that he is low in performance, but rather praise those acts that make you feel good. And ask him to extend his period.

4. Often things end once he is down: We can understand how irritable it is for you. Once he is exhausted, you are restless to reach your satisfactory point. It is true that once he is down, he cannot do anything for you, but there are other ways to continue the act.

5. You are in a sex mood at different times: Some people like it during the day and night is the favourite time for most. If your favourite time is different then you can find out the middle way. Also, if you want, you can also alternatively set its time.
